Welcome to rdo’s documentation!

rdo stands for “Remote DO”

If you work on a project via a virtual machine or on a remote server, rdo lets you run commands locally as if they were on the remote machine.

Why rdo?

Like many programmers, I work on code that was intended to run on a specific platform. Tools such as docker and Vagrant are helpful in this regard, but it never feels like you’re developing locally. The result is that the local tools you have on your machine go unused as you struggle to work on a project through a terminal.

The goal of rdo is to allow an easy to way to run your commands as if it were local, while running it on the necessary platform.


The first step is to create a .rdo.conf file. This file is read by the rdo command and describes the machine you’ll be peforming command on.

Here is an example using rdo with Vagrant.

driver = vagrant
directory = /vagrant

By default Vagrant will mount the directory of your Vagrantfile at /vagrant. If you have your Vagrantfile at the root of your project, this will make rdo act like it is running in the same directory.

With your .rdo.conf in place you can try running a command.

$ rdo ls -la

This should provide a list of your project files from the host machine.


Indices and tables